Bible Society Distributes Hundreds of Aid and Bible Packages in Iraq

Hundreds of packages consisting of food items and illustrated Bibles have been distributed to Iraqis in Baghdad by the Lebanon, Syria and Iraq Bible Society (LSIBS). It is the second consecutive year that the initiative has been organised by the society in Iraq’s capital, and has taken place in partnership with a number of other Christian humanitarian agencies.

Church compounds that are set up around Baghdad were used for these family package can be distributed. The society has diligently made announcements in all the poor neighbourhoods, inviting them to visit the churches and to receive a food package and a Bible.
The response has been enormous, with hundreds of families flocking to the designated camps to receive the society’s packages.

Church leaders were greatly encouraged that the LSIBS had chosen their compounds as the place to distribute to the needy in Baghdad. One church leader said, "We are overwhelmed with happiness to know that the Bible Society has decided to use our compound to distribute these much-needed food items and a Bible – to each family; it is saying so much about our ministry as members of the body of Christ."

The head of the Bible Society team in Iraq and Program Co-ordinator, Nabil Omeish, who is based in Jordan said, "It was a joyful service, where we were touched with an enormous blessing in this service. This distribution process was like a gift ... The joy was seen in the eyes of the elders as much as in the eyes of the children."

After the success of the initiative the Bible Society work in Iraq will continue to expand and grow as new distribution projects and holistic programs are created. The Society, however, has expressed that it always continue to take sensible measures not to take unnecessary risks in the tense state that the Middle East country remains in at this time.