Bible Society Making an Impact in Long Term Tsunami Relief

Almost exactly 8 months since the Boxing Day tsunami hit south-east Asia, various regional Bible Societies have been slowly building up their efforts towards long-term solutions for the affected areas.

Bible Society staff are currently working on the rebuilding of homes, and the broken lives and communities in the worst hit regions.

However, in a new announcement, the Bible Society has expressed its concerns that most media attention has now shifted away from the aftermath of the devastation of the tsunami.

The Bible Society though are refusing to allow its attention to the plight of the needy grow weary, and have called for the international community to realise it will take much longer for individual lives to return to normal.

To those that have been left homeless and witnessed the shocking images after the tsunami, the local Bible Society in Sri Lanka has been offering endless practical and spiritual support.

One Media Consultant from the Bible Society that had just returned from the area, Julian Sunderleigh said, “People are hurting with unanswered questions. They are feeling guilty for not being able to save loved ones, and scared and anxious about the future.”

A new booklet entitled ‘New Life’ has been published containing sciptures that apply to the types of emotions the affected are experiencing, and the booklets are being used as counselling tools for the communities.

In addition, in Thailand the Bible Society is hard at work on the island of Lanta Yai. The Urak Lawoi community, which relies heavily upon fishing to earn a living has allowed the Bible Society to work alongside them.

However, during the tsunami on 26th December 2004, many of the homes and boats were destroyed. In reaction to this, the Bible Society has been distributing clothes, shoes, fishing equipment among other materials such as food and rice to the community.

Local pastors have also been giving aid and visiting the island on a regular basis to hand out New Testaments along with study guides.