Bible Society Opens Bookshop in Christian Areas of Egypt

The Bible Society in Egypt has opened a bookshop in the city of Al Minya, one of the most ‘Christianised’ areas of the country.

The new bookshop, from a strategic point of view, is perfectly located at the heart of the downtown district of Al Minya which has, according to some researchers, a population of around 200,000 Christians. It is as many as half of the whole population of the city. Al Minya has more than 300 towns and villages and nearly 180 churches.

Ramez Attallah, General Director of the Society said, "[The shop's] position between clothing and jewellery shops, a bakery and ice-cream shops, makes BSE posters and products easily visible to passers-by."

He admired its location saying, "This excellent position is a real miracle and a gift from God." The new bookshop, he added, was "a masterpiece of artistic design and by far the most attractive shop in the city."

On 22th March - the official opening day of the shop - His Grace Bishop Aranious, Bishop of the Governorate of Al Minya, led a delegation of church leaders from all Christian denominations in the dedication of the new premises.

Bible Society bookshops in Egypt are not just places to buy Christian books. They are the place where all Christian denominations meet together, exchange information on Egypt Christianity and encourage each other for the work of God on the land.