Biblelands’ Alternative Gifts Prove a Christmas Hit

|PIC1|BibleLands’ first Alternative Gifts Catalogue has proved a runaway success, raising almost £30,000 in the first month since its launch. As Christmas approaches, donations averaging £1000 a day are flooding in to the Charity’s offices at High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire.

The scheme has been popular with both new and existing supporters, who have jumped at the opportunity to surprise their friends and family with a gift that will benefit people living in poverty in BibleLands’ focal region of Israel & the Occupied Territories, Lebanon and Egypt.

At £9, the most inexpensive gift provides school meals for a child for a whole month and, as one of BibleLands’ supporters remarked: “That’s a lot more use than yet another tin of biscuits!” Other gifts include tool kits for young adults leaving the BibleLands-supported vocational training schemes, and revolving loans to help individuals set up small businesses.

|TOP|Those who order gifts receive a card with space for their own greeting and a voucher giving the recipient details of how the money will be used on their behalf.

BibleLands’ Head of Communications & Fundraising, Tricia Pruden, who instigated the scheme, said: “We were keen to focus on gifts that would have a long-term impact on the lives of the most disadvantaged people in the Middle East. There is a real emphasis on education and self-sufficiency, so those giving and receiving these alternative presents will know that they are helping to change lives far beyond the immediate Christmas season.”

The Alternative Gifts are available via, or you can phone 01494 897950 to request a catalogue.
