BibleLands and Habitat for Humanity Build Homes and Hope in Egypt

|TOP|Christian charities BibleLands and Habitat for Humanity have announced they will collaborate in a three-year venture to bring new homes and hope to 558 of Egypt’s poorest families.

Following the launch of its Lent Appeal this week, Buckinghamshire-based BibleLands has set itself the challenge of raising a minimum of £150,000 to improve housing conditions in the Upper Nile communities of El Kom El Akhdar and El Sakakrya.

Inhabitants living in the impoverished region are unable to improve the unstable and unsanitary living areas owing to widespread poverty, said BibleLands in a press statement. The mud brick houses and insecure brushwood roofs also offer the perfect environment for vermin and disease to flourish.

|QUOTE|Families will be aided by BibleLands and Habitat for Humanity in raising capital and working together with neighbours in the community, both Muslim and Christian, to renovate and build secure homes safeguarding a healthier and safer future.

BibleLands is seeking regular commitment to the home-building scheme over the coming three years or a one-off donation towards components of the houses such as roofs, bricks, floors, windows and doors.

The first team of volunteers will be sent out to Egypt by BibleLands later in 2006 to work in partnership with local villagers in the construction of their new homes.

|AD|Nigel Edward-Few, director of BibleLands, reaffirmed the commitment of the charity to the project: “Here at BibleLands’ headquarters, we are all very enthusiastic about the whole programme and the tangible benefits it will have for so many people.

“While poverty and other tough circumstances will of course still be an issue in these Egyptian communities, the fact that more than 550 families will cease to be either homeless or living in dilapidated, inadequate and dangerous housing is an amazing prospect.”

A six-part Study Guide, ‘Building Hope for the Future’, ideal for Lent courses and house groups, is being run parallel to the BibleLands appeal to link the physical security of the new homes in Egypt with the firm foundations of faith needed for spiritual security.

Using a series of Bible study passages and meditations, the Guide is designed to encourage individuals and groups to support the work of the two charities through prayer.

To obtain one of the Study Guides, call BibleLands on 01494 897950 or email Alternatively, the charity’s website can be accessed at