BibleLands Extends Outreach in Middle East Following Record Donations

BibleLands has received record donations in excess of £2.5m, which the organisation says has enabled it to increase its support to those in desperate need during the Middle East in the last financial year.

An extra £500,000 was made available to BibleLands' projects tackling major issues such as community development, education, training and health provision in Egypt, Lebanon and Israel and the Occupied Territories.

Director of BibleLands, Nigel Edward-Few, said: "This is great news for BibleLands and for the projects that we support. Although we expected the crisis in Lebanon last summer to generate increased donations, there has been an increase in giving across the whole year which has enabled us to do so much more through our Middle Eastern partners.

"As always, the generosity of our supporters has far exceeded our expectations - a very big thank you goes to them all."

BibleLands regularly supports 50 projects in the Middle East. Among those who benefited from the charity's funding last year were more than 1,700 homeless refugees of the crisis in Lebanon who received emergency food and shelter during their terrifying experience.

Others included the inhabitants of two rural villages in Upper Egypt, where BibleLands is funding 558 new homes for those currently living in dangerous and disease-ridden conditions.

In Bethany, near Bethlehem, BibleLands covered the basic running costs, staff salaries and urgently needed new equipment at a care home, unique in the West Bank, that totally relies on donations. It provides care and a greater quality of life for 90 children and adults with disabilities who would otherwise not receive the treatment they so desperately need.

For further information on BibleLands work, including how to get involved or make a donation, please visit: