BibleLands Hopes to Break Fundraising Records with Stamps

|TOP|Christian charity BibleLands is hoping that this year will be a record-breaking year of fundraising for its Stamp Fellowship as it celebrates its 60th anniversary.

The Stamp Fellowship’s fundraising through stamp collecting and selling began 60 years ago with a group of soldiers stationed in Jerusalem during the Second World War, explains head of fundraising Tricia Pruden to the The Good News.

“They discovered a home for blind children and were determined to do something to help.

"After the war, one of the soldiers, Eric Peacock, started selling stamps to raise funds. He made £20 in the first year, and the Stamp Fellowship has gone from strength to strength ever since."

From its modest beginnings in 1946 the Stamp Fellowship has gone on to raise around £4,000 each year for the Helen Keller Centre, near Jerusalem.

|AD|This year the Stamp Fellowship is hoping to raise even more money for its 60-year anniversary which was officially celebrated on Mar. 31st and has appealed for yet more stamps and postcards to be sent in to the BibleLands headquarters where they are sorted by volunteers from across the country.

The vital funds are raised by selling on the gathered stamps and postcards to collectors and are then donated to the Helen Keller Centre, which works with blind and visually impaired Christian, Muslim and Jewish children.

"We'd love to receive donations of postcards and stamps - especially foreign ones, British picture stamps and collections - so that we can raise even more money for the blind children," continued Ms Pruden.

Stamps and postcards can be sent into:
BibleLands at PO Box 50
High Wycombe
HP15 7QU