Big 12 expansion rumors, news: 20 schools interested in being part of the league

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Twenty schools were reported to have participated in the video conference interview held by Big 12 commissioner Bob Bowlsby. Now comes the hardest part of all -- deciding which school should be allowed acceptance.

The league has opened up to accept two new members. It has only 10 members and decided to fulfill what its name denotes. But a maximum of four more members can be accommodated. The question now is, which schools are getting the attention of the league?

Sports Today reported that Brigham Young University is said to be on the top of the list.

The report added that the University of Houston and University of Cincinnati are the other two strong school contenders. Houston recently unveiled a US$60 million renovation plan for its basketball arena, while Cincinnati has more than many strong points against the rest of the pack.

The Daily Campus reported that the University of Connecticut is being considered, while other reports suggest that other schools to be included in the Big 12 may include Central Florida, Memphis, Colorado State and South Florida. Arkansas State, Boise State, East Carolina, New Mexico, Northern Illinois, San Diego State, Temple and Tulane. Even the Air Force and SMU will try to take a shot at the membership in the league.

Results of the qualification process for the Big 12 are expected to arrive 60 to 90 days from now. The league is expected to have a media blackout for the next two weeks as it tries to trim down the application, bringing it down to a manageable number.