'The Big Bang Theory' season 9 spoilers: What changes will Amy-Sheldon breakup bring?

Sheldon and Amy in 'The Big Bang Theory' season 9CBS

Fans can't wait for "The Big Bang Theory" season 9 so they can find out what's going to happen next to Sheldon and Amy. Showrunner Steve Molaro won't exactly dish out the fate of their relationship but he did promise that questions will be answered. This will start with the ring Sheldon kept in the season 8 finale. 

"In the season premiere, you will learn more about the ring: how long he's had it, and what his mindset about it at the moment is," Molaro told The Hollywood Reporter.

Sheldon will try to win her lady back and his ways won't actually be the best, as Molaro implied in the interview. Sheldon will realize that what he has in front of him is "a problem that he can't just think of a solution for." 

While Sheldon and Amy's breakup has its consequences, Molaro said that it will also introduce a much different dynamic among the group of friends that fans will see unfold in "The Big Bang Theory" season 9.

"We're seeing all new colors for both of them as well as the way it impacts the group. There's not a set plan — we're feeling this out along the in same way Amy is," he explained. 

Of course, with Amy not around, Sheldon will stick closer to Leonard more than ever. Molaro said that these two are "married" in the sense that they have been best friends for so long. Interestingly, as Sheldon's relationship with Amy has turned sour, Leonard and Penny are in for great things. They will tie the knot in the upcoming season. 

Molaro said that this will be majorly dealt with in season 9 but he did not mention how. It is likely that Penny and Leonard will help Sheldon out in swaying Amy back as this will be a win-win situation for all of them.

"The Big Bang Theory" season 9 premieres Sept. 21.