'Big Hero 7' sequel plot rumors: Tadashi Hamada alive?

Tadashi HamadaWikipedia

Big Hero 7 will push through as rumored and the next villain is someone many had thought had perished in the first film installment.

He is no other than Tadashi, the brother of Hiro. It will be recalled in Big Hero 6, Tadashi rushed back into the lab before it exploded. His body was never found and from the looks of it, something happened to Tadashi when he went back in. So, he never really died.

Hence, that hint may have been revealed in Big Hero 6 when Baymax kept on repeating that Tadashi is here. While many may have presumed that Tadashi was around in memory, now it makes sense that he is indeed alive but perhaps not the same as many remember him by.

Big Hero 6 was a huge success, racking in $651 million worldwide and was recognized as a top grossing film for 2014 (IGN).

Stan Lee confirmed the sequel, something the Marvel executive producer has bared is in the works. Big Hero 7 will have to wait in line though as Lee and Marvel work on other films as well.

The list includes Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, the Black Panther, the Inhumans, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and then Big Hero 6.

As far as the possible storyline is concerned, Tadashi will re-appear but not as the brother (initially) but as a villain with special abilities and powers. It is believed that Tadashi will transform into Sunfire, someone who has lost all his human memories and will go up against Hiro, Baymax and the gang.

It remains to be seen how it will all come about though. How will Tadashi re-appear just when everyone thought he was dead? Will he get his memory back or will he fall to Hiro and the team?

The immediate belief is that Tadashi will eventually get back his memories and reunite with Hiro, something storylines eventually end with. Could it be something different?