'Big Hero 7' spoiler, plot rumors; Tadashi is alive?

Hiro and Baymax from "Big Hero 6."Big Hero 6/Official Facebook Page

"Big Hero 6" was a hit animated film in 2014 that a sequel would only mean great news to all of its fans.

The Marvel Comics-based superhero animated flick is believed to come back for another round, when Stan Lee himself slipped the information to Toronto Sun that another installment for "Big Hero 6" is happening.

Lee told the news outlet early last year that there are a lot of Marvel-based flicks to come and included in the list is the action-packed family movie.

An official title or release date for a sequel has not been confirmed, but there are already several speculations as to what the next installment may be about.

In the original movie, Hiro found himself teaming up and befriending a robot named Baymax, which his late brother, Tadashi, had designed. Baymax was created to be a care provider but a dangerous situation led Hiro to give it an upgrade. Together with their friends, they form a team of high-tech young superheroes.

Meanwhile, several reports are circulating that the sequel will feature a shocking twist to the story. Tadashi is actually alive and will return as a villain in the sequel. This speculation came from MoviePilot last year.

The report mentioned that the sequel will be titled "Big Hero 7," which means that there is a new member of the team. What's more interesting is that Tadashi is said to be that new member, and he will take the form of Sunfire, an original member of the Big Hero 6 of Marvel universe.

If that's the case, it will be a heartwarming reunion between Tadashi and Hiro, but things won't be easy. The report continued that Tadashi/Sunfire will be possessed and become the sequel's villain.

Tadashi's body was never really found and Baymax kept saying that he is just around. Could he really be alive?

Plot details surrounding the sequel for "Big Hero 6" are only based on speculations. Nothing has been confirmed at this point.