Bill Gates recommends a Christian memoir in his top 5 summer reads

Billionaire philanthropist and Microsoft founder Bill Gates released his yearly summer reading list and this time, he included a Christian memoir in his top five choices.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates arrives for a meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker at the EU Commission headquarters in Brussels January 22, 2015.REUTERS/Francois Lenoir

Gates listed down his top five summer books on his blog. He said that his choices were fun and quick reads even though they deal with serious subjects matters.

One of the books is  "Everything Happens for a Reason," which Christian mother Kate Bowler released in February 2018. It's the story of a mother and Duke Divinity School professor who learned she had stage IV colon cancer.

Gates also wrote a review of Bowler's book in a separate entry on his blog. He stated that while Bowler's story is indeed heartbreaking, he was surprised that her book made him laugh.

"When I was done with the book, I went online to see how she was doing. I was happy to find that she was still keeping a blog about faith, morality, and mortality," Gates revealed. "It's inspiring to see this thoughtful woman face such weighty topics with honesty and humor."

Gates revealed that his family strongly believed that becoming ill is God's punishment for sinning. The Microsoft founder's grandparents on both sides were devoted Christians, so Bowler's agony resonated with him when she questioned God about her cancer.

The billionaire said that one of his grandfathers went through the same struggles and died with the thought that his illness was due to an unknown sin. He picked points from Bowler's book where she addresses the answers to her doubts.

"She rejects the idea that we need a reason for everything that happens," Gates wrote. "But she also rejects the nihilist alternative," he added.

In an interview with Time, Bowler said feelings that her faith has failed her because she became ill only arise when she's around people who say things about her beliefs. The author acknowledged her devastation but she still affirmed that her love for God gives her strength through it all.