Billionaires Farris and Dan Wilks are committed to causes that support conservative and religious agendas across the country.
The brothers say that biblical ideals have fallen by the wayside, and want to encourage projects that nurture those values.
One area that the Wilks feel passionately about is the nation's educational system, and the systemic removal of God from schools.
"I just think we need to make people aware and bring the Bible back into the school, and start teaching our kids at a younger age," Dan told the Christian Broadcasting Network.
"They're being taught the other ideas, the gay agenda, every day out in the world so we have to stand up and explain to them that that's not real, that's not proper, it's not right," Farris added.
The Wilks Masonry founders have funneled over $200 million into their foundations, and donated millions more to political action committees, churches, and nonprofits nationwide. They support Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council, and back pro-life organizations and conservative politicians.
Alternet reported that the Wilks brothers gave more money to Montana's Republican candidates than anyone else in 2012, and, along with their wives, donated $125,000 to Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign.
The brothers are also the founders of Frac Tech, a hydraulic fracturing and oil and gas services firm that they sold for over $3 billion. The Wilks are worth about $1.4 billion each, according to Forbes.