Billy Graham Celebrates 88th Year as USA Goes to the Polls

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Nov. 6, 2006 - While Nov. 7 is significant as an important election date around the country, evangelist Billy Graham and his family will also celebrate his 88th birthday on Tuesday.

|PIC1|Although Mr. Graham has not held any crusades over the past year, he has participated in a number of important ministry events, including speaking at his son Franklin's Festivals in New Orleans and Baltimore. In addition, he completed his latest book, "The Journey," to help individuals grow in their Christian faith.

In "The Journey," Mr. Graham addresses issues of aging and how a Christian responds in difficult times. This topic continues to be significant to him as he and Mrs. Graham struggle with age-related health issues, and as both lost dearly beloved sisters within the past two months.

"In some ways, this has been a difficult year for us, as we have been reminded of the challenges of advancing age," Mr. Graham said. "Yet, we still look forward with hope, as we know that every day brings us closer to a reunion with our loved ones and a face-to-face meeting with our Savior.

"In other ways, it has been a good year, as we have seen our children and grandchildren continue to grow in their faith and embrace the ministries God has for them," Mr. Graham continued. "Our grandson Will just held his first crusade here in the United States, where he preached the Gospel with strength and boldness, and people responded. We couldn't be prouder of him."

Mr. and Mrs. Graham spend most of their days quietly at home, enjoying each others' company in special times of Bible study and spiritual fellowship. Mr. Graham continues work on several writing projects, and, as the Lord strengthens him, chairs the BGEA Board of Directors' meetings and may consider future opportunities to preach, such as those presented at Franklin's Festivals.