Billy Graham recovering well after fall

World renowned evangelist Billy Graham has returned to his mountain home in Montreat, North Carolina after falling over one of his three dogs last Friday.

He was admitted to the Mission Hospital in nearby Asheville for observation and later released on Saturday.

Mr Graham's physicians said that he suffered no broken bones in the fall. They had offered him the choice of being released or remaining in the hospital overnight for additional observation. He chose to stay rather than make the trip back home, due to the lateness of the hour.

His nurses said that Mr Graham had an uneventful night, and was able to sleep, sit up in a chair and take full meals.

Mr Graham's personal physician, Lucian Rice, said the fall should not pose a setback for the 89-year-old evangelist.

"Of course we worry any time a patient takes a fall, especially an older patient," Dr Rice said. "But while Mr Graham is somewhat bruised, with some extremely sore muscles, he seems to have suffered no serious injuries, and in fact he was able to work on his physical therapy regimen first thing the next morning.

"I am encouraging him to remain as active as possible, but to be mindful of his dog, who likes to keep faithfully at his feet. I expect Mr Graham to recover fully."

Mr Graham will celebrate his 90th birthday on November 7. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is inviting members of the public to send birthday wishes or personal stories via its website.

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