Biological family of pastor's daughter killed in Texas church shooting share their grief over her death

(PHOTO: Pixabay)

A lot of lives were lost after a lone gunman opened fire at the First Baptist Church in rural Sutherland Springs, Texas last Sunday. One of them was a 14-year-old girl named Anabelle Pomeroy.

Pomeroy was the adopted daughter of the church's pastor, according to WFAA. Pastor Frank Pomeroy and his wife took the young girl in when she was only two years old, and it was the last time her biological family saw her.

Her biological grandmother, Diana Palacios, is now grieving over their tragic loss. Palacios said Anabelle was a bright young girl who had the ability to spread happiness wherever she went. "She was a happy little girl," Palacios said. "It was like a joyful mood she lifted everybody's spirits."

The Pomeroys were out of town when the attack took place and they kept mum during the young girl's funeral service, but they issued a message shortly after the tragedy. "One thing that gives me a sliver of encouragement is the fact that Bell was surrounded yesterday by her church family that she loved fiercely," her adoptive mother said.

Despite being separated with her granddaughter, Palacios said "we always had her in out hearts." They had been meaning to reach out when she grew older, but fate dealt both their families a cruel blow. "It's really hard because I was hoping to get to know my grandchild." Palacios said.

One week after the shooting, the church opened its doors again as a memorial, according to the New York Times. Pomeroy led the congregants as they sang "Amazing Strength." He then provided some words of hope: Darkness will never win against God.

"This past weekend, our country was attacked, our state was attacked, our church was attacked," he said. "Glory to God, our people were attacked."

Pomeroy recalled the soldiers who fought and died so Americans can enjoy their freedom. "But last weekend men, women and children also fought for the freedom we have here this morning," he continued. "We have the freedom to choose, and rather than choose darkness, as this one young man did that day, I say we choose light."