Bioware to develop new "Dragon Age" game

Promotional photo from the "Dragon Age" Steam pageSteam

Four years after the release of "Dragon Age: Inquisition," developers Bioware have announced their plans to create a fourth "Dragon Age" game. The upcoming game was confirmed back in 2017, however, not much has been said about it and no details about the game's specifics were given.

While the game upcoming game has recently been brought back under the spotlight, there is no telling when it will actually hit video game consoles or PC screens. Before Bioware can get working on the next instalment to the "Dragon Age" franchise, they first need to finish working on their multiplayer game "Anthem." However, considering that Anthem is slated for a 2019 release, chances are it will a long time before "Dragon Age" fans get any updates or an actual finished game.

According to PC Gamer, Mark Darrah – the dragon age executive producer – confirmed that while the Bioware team was focusing on "Anthem" some people would continue work on "Dragon Age." Darrah also went on to retweet a post by game developer Casey Hudson.

Hudson's Tweet stated that the "Dragon Age" team was working on a way to link the fourth game to franchise's main story. Whether or not this means the return of beloved old characters has yet to be confirmed. However, fans have been buzzing ever since, with many wondering whether this meant they would be able to continue the story of the Grey Warden from the first game, "Dragon Age: Origins."

"Dragon Age" has always been set in a shared universe, with the main character from the first game reappearing in many of the DLCs. Beloved teammates from the first game have also appeared in the second game and in "Dragon Age: Inquisition," with many making references to the Hero of Ferelden (the protagonist from "Dragon Age: Origins"). Fans are excited to see how the fourth game ties into the pre-existing lore and the old characters, however, many are worried that Bioware will both up the story, or that they will prioritize "Anthem" too much and send a skeleton team to work on "Dragon Age."

Fans of the franchise will have to wait for updates to learn more about the upcoming game.