Bishop and vicars ready to welcome brides-to-be at National Wedding Show

A team of vicars led by the Bishop of Leicester, the Rt Rev Tim Stevens, is set to welcome thousands of brides-to-be this weekend at the National Wedding Show at the NEC in Birmingham.

Couples are welcome to arrange a wedding at many more churches since the law changed on October 1 and the team has been selected and specially briefed to pass that on to as many as possible of the 15,000 visitors. They have been given a set of top tips from how to dress to catching the eye of a passer-by with free sweets and responding when people ask for a prayer.

The top tips emerge as the Church of England emphasises its backing for marriage and the wider welcome it now offers for church weddings. Advice to clergy includes: 'keep Sundays free for shows like this', 'don't skimp on flowers', 'wear your dog collar', 'put your smiliest people on shift', 'don't leave coffee cups around', 'pray a blessing if asked' and 'always thank the organisers'.

The Bishop of Leicester said: "Many more people would choose a church wedding if they knew they could have one. We're taking the initiative to be at this event where people are planning their big day.

"We'll be working hard to let people know we welcome them for a wedding, whether they go to church or not. We're also going to be telling them about the new law which means that having a church wedding is now a lot easier."

The team from Leicester includes the Rev Canon Jane Curtis, the Rev Richard Curtis, the Rev Julie Ann Heath, and the Rev Dr Peter Hooper.

The vicars will be answering questions about a new law that means a church wedding just got easier. They will introduce couples to the new online church wedding planner from the Church of England.

The Church of England team from Leicester joins 300 other exhibitors for the National Wedding Show from 10 -12 October to offer advice on getting married in church and help people get in touch with their special church.

Clergy on the stand will give away free gifts highlighting the new website. It features an online ceremony planner, a choice of wedding music and real wedding stories from couples who married in church.

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