Bishop Calls for Protection of the Unborn Child

The Catholic Bishop of Paisley in Scotland has called for the protection of human beings before birth at a special event to mark the 39th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act.

The event included a torchlight vigil in Glasgow's George Square followed by a torchlight procession to St Andrew's Cathedral where a special prayer service was held.

In his Homily Bishop Philip Tartaglia called for increased awareness, respect and protection for the pre-born child.

Ian Murray, the Director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, added his support by saying that "the gathering gives support to a woman's right to be a mother and the unborn's right to be a child".

Bishop Tartaglia stated: "The unborn child has a fundamental and inalienable right to life that cannot be abrogated by any man-made law."

Earlier this week, SPUC called on its supporters to lobby members of the European Parliament to stop funding for coercive population control.

Three amendments to the European Union budget should stop EU funds going to organisations, governments or programmes that are implicated in so-called 'family planning' programmes where coercion has been used in contravention of human rights, it said.

The amendments are supported by Ms Kathy Sinnott, MEP for Ireland south.