Bishop defends value of senior bishops

A Church of England bishop has defended the importance of senior bishops as the Church’s General Synod considers reductions as part of cost saving proposals.

The Bishop of Basingstoke, the Rt Rev Bishop Trevor Willmott, has said that his responsibilities cannot simply be handed down to junior clergy, reports the Basingstoke Gazette.

The recent debate has emerged as a number of members within the Church hierarchy have criticised the “top heavy” structure of the Church and called for a reduction in the number of senior bishops and dioceses.

However, Bishop Willmott has argued back, saying that the role of a senior clergyman has become increasingly complex in modern day society.

According to the Basingstoke Gazette, the bishop said, “I think that the demand for the role has become more complex, not less, as society continues to change.

|QUOTE|“The bishop is a particular calling of the Church so we are there to guard and care for the Church. Nobody else has that oversight and that cannot just be parcelled off to others because it is deemed cheaper.

“I think the Church has to re-examine what it wants its bishops to do and from there they can decide how many they need.”

Over the past 50 years there has been a massive decline in the number of junior clergy, which has fallen to about half its previous number in the period. Currently there are 114 bishops within the Church of England, with 44 top senior bishops overseeing the various dioceses across the country.

The Gazette highlights that one senior bishop can commonly cost the equivalent of about ten junior. Speaking about the value of his position, Bishop Willmott told the Gazette: “I hope that if you ask the congregations I visit, the ministers I care for and the community I serve, that they will say I am there for them. I am always working to be faithful to my calling. Our expenses have always been public so the public can see for themselves.”