Bishop hopes next Government will enhance national life

The Bishop of Lichfield the Rt Rev Jonathan Gledhill has called upon Christians to pray that national life is enhanced by the next Government.

With the election race heating up after last week’s televised debate between the three main party leaders, the Diocese of Lichfield has sent out an election briefing to almost 600 churches advising them on how to organise election hustings and tackle extremist parties .

In his foreword to the briefing, Bishop Gledhill writes that all citizens should vote and that it would be wrong if people thought they were only being given “pseudo-choices”.

“For all its shortcomings our democracy is something for us to be grateful for – use it or lose it!” he says.

The bishop said the election was an opportunity to question the nation’s future leaders on issues like poverty, the welfare of children, and the weakening of marriage and family life.

“Christians, along with very many others, believe that every human being is unique and precious and created by God to love and be loved, to respect and be respected,” he said.

“If we believe, as we do, that individuals can be redeemed, so we should pray that our national life will be enhanced by our next Government.”

He added: “A government cannot do it alone, without our cooperation. Voting for them is just the first step.”

The guidance has been drawn up by diocesan director of communications Gavin Drake. It advises churches not to invite BNP and other extremist candidates to hustings being held on their premises and avoid inviting all candidates if candidates from parties like the BNP are standing.

“It is wrong to provide a church platform for individuals to preach a gospel of hatred,” said Mr Drake.

“We should not give an air of respectability or signify acceptance to parties or individuals who use the democratic process to attack people based on the colour of their skin or their ethnic origin; or who seek to bring fear and hatred to communities.

“There is no legal obligation to invite all candidates to take part in a hustings event.”

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