Bishop launches new Christian spirituality centre for north London

A new Christian spirituality centre called Breathing Space has been launched at St Luke's church, West Holloway, by the Bishop of London.

The newly-renovated church - complete with spectacular new artwork in the chancel by artist-in-residence Rob Pepper - was packed out for a service last week.

Members and friends of St Luke's enjoyed an evening of celebration, with music from St Luke's choir and children's choir - and the programme for the new spirituality centre was unveiled.

"Breathing Space is a wonderful idea," said Bishop Richard Chartres. "It will be a place where people can find stimulation, stillness and space... where God can disclose himself."

Breathing Space is intended to provide Londoners with opportunities for personal and spiritual development.

It was conceived by Dave Tomlinson, vicar of St Luke's since 2000 and author of a number of books including The Post-Evangelical and Running Into God.

"Our aim for Breathing Space is to resource the spiritual growth of members and friends of St Luke's, as well as providing paths for the wider community to connect with and explore their spiritual lives," said Tomlinson.

"There will be opportunities for people to explore their creative sides, engage in intellectual debate, find space for contemplation, use tools such as the Enneagram to understand themselves better, and learn more about the church's rich spiritual traditions.

"Anyone is welcome at Breathing Space, whatever their religious beliefs, and we've kept costs as low as possible so no one is excluded."