Bishop of Leeds to Appeal for Prayer for the Oppressed

The Bishop of Ripon and Leeds will call on Christians to pray for those driven out of their countries by oppression and violence in his New Year's sermon tonight.

The Rt Rev John Packer will repeat his call on the need for justice for those made homeless in their home countries following his maiden speech in the House of Lords earlier in the month in which he pressed for more humane treatment of asylum seekers, reports Leeds Today.

In his New Year's message, to be delivered at Ripon Cathedral's 'Watchnight' service at 11.15pm tonight, Bishop Packer will also urge the diocese to "show hospitality to strangers" and pray for justice to all those driven out of their own countries.

"We pray for all those who spend this New Year far away from home and especially those driven out of their own countries by oppression and violence. We pray for justice for them and for all who suffer."

The 'Watchnight' service precedes the traditional Torchlight procession through the city to the Market Square.

Bishop Packer says that he hopes 2007 will be marked by hospitality.

He will say: "It is no accident that the Christmas story contains the wanton viciousness of Herod and the flight of Jesus and his parents as asylum seekers.

"From its earliest days, Christianity at its best has sought to combat violence and to provide hospitality for those who need it.

"So we pray particularly for the Royal Engineers who seek to keep the peace in Iraq.

"We pray for all those who spend this New Year far away from home and especially those driven out of their own countries by oppression and violence.

"We pray for justice for them and for all who suffer .

"I pray too for our own diocese and for the gift of hospitality in our churches and communities. Yorkshire is a county with a reputation for showing hospitality to strangers.

"May 2007 be a year when we experience and share hospitality, when we seek for justice and peace throughout the world and when we welcome into our own hearts the King of Justice and Peace who cares so much that he came at Christmas to experience our sadness and our joy, and bring his blessing to our world."