Bishop of London opens new £7.5m affordable housing development

A brand new £7.5m housing development project has been opened by the Bishop of London, the Rt Rev Richard Chartres, in the deprived inner city area of Tower Hamlets.

The Church of England project brings much needed affordable housing to the heart of the capital for families, couples, single people and those with disabilities.

The scheme, which incorporates 58 brand new properties at the All Saints Court site in Tower Hamlets, received a £4m contribution from the Housing Corporation, and rates as 'very good' under the Eco Homes rating system.

Bishop Chartres said: "The Church is continually helping to foster and build communities in so many ways. This is a marvellously direct example of that work.

"I am delighted that Tower Hamlets residents' will benefit from this exciting and inspirational new development.

"The Church in London is committed to encouraging similar projects elsewhere and to the creation of successful communities."

The Bishop of London unveiled a commemorative plaque to mark the opening of the development, while local vicar Fr Alan Wynne led prayers for the site.

The Borough of Tower Hamlets disposed of the site at no cost, while other contributions came from Southwark and London Diocesan Housing Association in partnership with the Church of England (SLDHA). The SLDHA demolished a block of derelict flats to make way for the development of the All Saints Court site.