Bishop Shot Dead in Kenya by Three Gunmen – Motive Unknown

A Bishop has been shot dead in northern Kenya as he was walking to a pastoral centre in the town of Isiolo, where he worked. The bishop from the Roman Catholic Church was named as Bishop Luigi Locati, a Vatican official in Nairobi has said.

As of yet, there has been no clear motive for the killing, but police are investigating possible links to some outbreaks of violence in the north – related to ethnic tensions.

The town of Isiolo has a similar ethnic diversity as other areas in the country that have seen more than 70 people killed over recent weeks.

The BBC has reported that it is possible that the latest news of violence here could signal a further increase in tensions around Marsabit; an area where thousands have been reported to have fled in fear of revenge attacks after the massacre on Tuesday.

Robert Kipkemoi Kitur, the Eastern province assistant commissioner of police commented, "We are investigating the motive of the attack but we suspect it is linked with the conflict between the Gabra and Borana because Catholic priests have been involved in helping people."

The police in Kenya have reported that the bishop was murdered by three unidentified gunmen.

Nine years ago, Bishop Luigi Locati was ordained as Bishop of Zica. The 76-year-old had been a member of the clergy for more than fifty years and dedicated his life to expanding Christianity.

Reports indicate that the bishop died approximately 90 minutes after being shot in the northern town, which lies just 155 miles from the capital Nairobi.