Bishop's appeal to support the poor in Swansea, Nicaragua and Kenya

The Rt Rev John Davies has launched his Lent appeal in support of charities helping the homeless in Wales, poor communities in Nicaragua, and female students in Kenyan universities who are struggling to meet the costs of their studies.

The bishop suggests people save money by missing a meal a week or giving up something they enjoy as part of their Lenten fast.

In his pastoral letter to all parishes, Bishop Davies said: “Through self-sacrifice and almsgiving, we can, as a diocesan family help to alleviate some of the burdens which others bear.

"Although in our own country economic factors bear down upon many, and the reality of cuts in funding and services will have a marked effect upon many, we still remain, as a nation, wealthy when compared with many others.

“Some individuals may have the best of intentions to do something positive in Lent but, come the time, the opportunity passes by.

"Our Lent Appeal provides a chance for as many of us as possible to focus upon doing something to bring light and hope to brothers and sisters in dark times and dark places.”

The three charities being supported by the bishop's appeal all have a link with the Diocese of Swansea and Brecon.

The Peace and Hope Trust works with the needy in Nicaragua, a part of the world often affected by hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and landslides.

Phase 2 of the Daystar University Hostel Project is sponsored by the Diocese of Machakos and supports young women from poor rural backgrounds by providing them with the accommodation and care that can prevent them from turning to prostitution to survive.

The third charity being supported by the appeal is Shelter Cymru Shelter Cymru, which has its head offices in Swansea.

Bishop Davies will be cleaning shoes in Swansea Market on Maunday Thursday on April 21 to help raise money for the charities.