Blac Chyna met teen boyfriend on Christian dating site, Christian Mingle; Denies she's pregnant

Model and media personality Blac Chyna reportedly met her 18-year-old boyfriend on a Christian dating site and she's denying recent rumors that she's pregnant with his child.

Rapper YBN Almighty Jay, whose real name is Jay Bradley, revealed that he saw Blac Chyna's profile - real name Angela Renée White - on Christian Mingle. In an interview with No Jumper, the rapper said that he made the first move by sending her a message on the dating site.

Blac Chyna and her new boyfriend met through Christian Mingle.Instagram/Blacchyna

"I was searching on Christian Mingle and I saw her profile pop up, and I'm like, 'This bitch fire,'" the rapper said. "So I sent her Christian Mingle messages and she responded to my email."

Jay, who hails from Texas, is part of a rap group that has become popular on YouTube. He is 11-years younger than Blac Chyna, who is 29.

The model hit headlines for appearing in rap videos and getting involved with rapper Tyga, with whom she has a child. Tyga, however, broke up with her to be with Kyle Jenner of the reality TV series empire "Keeping Up With The Kardashians."

Following their split, Blac Chyna also dated Rob Kardashian, Jenner's half-brother. In 2016, she gave birth to their child but her relationship with Kardashian also ended.

Blac Chyna and Jay's relationship, which only recently began in February, has sparked pregnancy rumors after a photo of the model appeared on Media Takeout, where she seemed to have a baby bump.

Sources close to the controversial stars, however, confirmed to TMZ that the pregnancy rumors are false. For now, Blac Chyna says she is not having Jay's baby, but she's considering the possibility of expanding her family in the future.