'Black Mirror' season 3 spoilers, release date: Next season's first full-length trailer debuts

A promotional poster for "Black Mirror"Netflix

Netflix has released the first full-length trailer for "Black Mirror" season 3, giving audiences a small glimpse at the six stories that will be told when the show premieres at the end of October.

The trailer starts off with a snippet of the episode "Nosedive," which stars Bryce Dallas Howard whose character lives in a world where people's social statuses are shown as a numerical value. The trailer continues to show Howard's character as she attempts to gain an advantage and become one of the society's elites.

Several clips also showcase the episode "Playtest," in which a character played by Wyatt Russell is shown trying out a brand new game. However, the woman (Hannah John-Kamen) in charge of the new game tells him that he needs to sign several papers acknowledging that the game will require him to undergo medical procedures.

Another episode that the trailer heavily features is "Men Against Fire," in which a soldier (Malachi Kirby) struggles to protect a village and himself from invading mutants and the virus they spread. In one of the clips, it is also hinted that he might be infected as well, and he might have to be killed by his ally, a character played by Madeline Brewer.

Other episodes briefly featured in the trailer are "San Junipero," "Shut Up and Dance," and "Hated in the Nation." "Shut Up and Dance," in particular, is highlighted as there is a clip in the trailer revealing how Kenny (Alex Lawther) is compromised in an online trap and is later shown talking to a character played by Jerome Flynn.

"Black Mirror" season 3 is notable for being the first in the series to have a 90-minute episode, and it is also the first to have 6 episodes instead of 3. Twelve episodes were initially planned, but the latter 6 have been pushed to 2017, and they will now be labeled as season 4.

"Black Mirror" season 3 premieres on Oct. 21.