Black Moon Event On Friday To Herald The End Of Times?


Come Friday, September 30, a rare Black Moon will take place, but this event will not just be any ordinary astrological sighting since many Christians believe it could signify the end of times.

The appearance of the Black Moon happens every 32 months, according to Express. It occurs when the illuminated side of the moon gets caught in the shadow of the Earth, therefore making it impossible to see.

But this coming Friday, the appearance of the Black Moon holds even more significance because of another universal activity. The first day of September brought along the "ring of fire" solar eclipse, which shows the moon falling in line with the Earth and the sun above Africa. This solar eclipse makes it appear as if the sun has darkened.

Because of these astrological events, many people believe that the end of times will finally take place. "Those signs are letting us know that Jesus is soon coming. We are approaching the end of our world and the end of life on Earth for all human being. Every day, we have to come closer to our Saviour Jesus Christ. For none can escape for what is coming for the Earth," a concerned Christian writes on Facebook.

"The Lord will make the moon turn red as blood... and turn black. Sounds familiar?" another adds.

The website Signs of the End of Times links the Black Moon event to the Bible verse Matthew 24:29, which reads: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken."

The Black Moon will rise in the Western hemisphere on Friday at 8:11pm Eastern time. Meanwhile, the Black Moon won't rise in the Eastern hemisphere until October 1, so this means Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia will not witness this rare lunar event because their new moon will be the first to rise in the month. A second new moon is expected to take place sometime near Halloween.