'Blackroom' news: Makers of 'Doom' announce new FPS title

BlackroomNight Work Games

As stated in a report from Polygon, John Romero and Adrian Carmack, two of the co-founders of Id Software and who are responsible for creating the first-person shooter video game genre when they released "Wolfenstein 3D," "Doom" and "Quake" back in the 1990s, have stepped up and announced a brand new FPS video game titled "Blackroom."

The two are now working with development company Night Work Games and have posted the new project on Kickstarter, aiming to earn $700,000 by May 27. If the goal is met, Romero has confirmed that they will be seeking investors to continue funding the game to its completion.

According to the reveal trailer, "Blackroom" is set in a world where holographic technology has gone awry. Players will control an engineer named Santiago Sonora working in a facility when the simulations break and turn into monstrosities.

The game is stated to have a 10-hour single player campaign as well six multiplayer maps. There will be a free-for-all arena mode, akin to that from "Quake," as well as co-op modes and one-on-one competitive modes.

Romero also explains in the reveal trailer that the game will harken back to the design of classic FPS games and will utilize some of the older design philosophies that those games utilized. This indicates that concepts such as rocket jumping, circle strafing and more will be crucial parts of the game.

As for the main setting, the game's holographic world will allow players to battle in a myriad of locations such as the Wild West and even in a medieval castle. The concept art also reveals that each player has a device strapped to their arm which may allow them to manipulate their environment.

"Blackroom," if it hits its target goal, will be released in 2018 and is also expected to be released for the PS4 and Xbox One as most FPS games since the mid-2000s have been released for consoles.