Blair Continues Africa Poverty Mission with More Meetings with World’s Power Figures

After talks in Washington with US President George Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair will meet with business leaders tonight to discuss his plan to overcome poverty in Africa and embark on changing the climate.

Leaders of Shell, British Airways and Ford will meet Blair to make the agenda for Britain’s governing of the rich nations in the G8 group. The Prime Minister will talk briefly with Nigerian president on the G8 agenda.

The Swiss president and Danish prime minister will also meet Mr Blair today to discuss the present state of the EU constitution, following the no-vote in referendums in France and Holland.

"The way forward is going to be decided by all 25 member states and not by any individual country," said Mr Blair’s official spokesman, in regard to the situation which was discussed during the cabinet meeting this morning.

According to the spokesman, talks with Danish premier Poul Nyrup Rasmussen would focus on going forward after the recent hindrance in France and the Netherlands. "He will open up debate on how Europe faces the challenge of globalisation in general and economic reform in particular," he said.