Blair: G8 Summit Will Not be Influenced by London Tube Blasts

A series of blasts have hit the London at a time when Britain has been coordinating one of its biggest ever security operation to protect the G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland.

In a live statement at midday Tony Blair has confirmed the recent attacks were highly likely to be that of terrorist attack designed to disrupt the meeting of G8 leaders.

"It is reasonably clear that there have been a series of terrorist attacks in London. There are obviously people who have died. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families."

He announced his plans to leave the G8 Summit and return to London for the afternoon and come back to Gleneagles in the evening.

He assured that the G8 will continue in his absence as there was a wealth of experience gathered for this World Summit, and it would not be affected by this one event.

Britain as the chair-country for this year, has stressed the issues of Africa and climate change in the agenda of G8.

During the first day of the summit, leaders discussed climate change. The programme of today's talks was set to be the eradication of poverty, and in particular would focus on Africa.

"It is particular barbaric, that they did this on this day," Blair said about the attacks and added, "Our determination to defend our values is greater than their determination to cause death and destruction on the World."