Blair to Address Christian Churches as Faith Becomes a Main Election Issue

The British Prime Minister Tony Blair is today preparing to address church leaders and Christians regarding the role of faith in the political arena. Blair will speak in the highly publicised event in Central London tomorrow (Tuesday 22nd March), which has seen faith and religion quickly become one of the main pre-election issues.

Following the influence of religion and in particular, Christianity in the US elections last year, the UK seems to be following suit with all three main party leaders now having addressed the role that Christians have to play in society.

Tomorrow’s Faithworks Lecture will see the Prime Minister gather church leaders and other faith representatives and address them on the role of faith in politics, and "the key role that people of faith should have in building a healthier, safer, more united and trusting society," report Faithworks organisers.

At previous Faithworks lectures, Conservative leader Michael Howard on February 23rd claimed that faith communities had become a ‘forgotten majority’ in Britain’s modern-day society. On 3rd February, Charles Kennedy – the Liberal Democrat leader stated that he believed that there was ‘a special role for those with a faith.’

This time Britain’s premier will come before religious leaders at 12noon at a secret London venue, and court those gathered in a hope to gain the Christian vote for the upcoming general election.

The lecture will be broadcast on the web live from and is an opportunity not just for Christian leaders to question Britain’s Prime Minister, but Blair has agreed to accept questions from the audience as well as webcast viewers.

The founder of the Faithworks movement, and host for tomorrow’s event is Rev Steve Chalke. Chalke was the one who invited and convinced the Prime Minister to join the debate and has instigated many of the issues now raised with his book – ‘Trust – A Radical Manifesto’.

Chalke said, "The fact that Charles Kennedy, Michael Howard and now Tony Blair have all accepted Faithworks’ invitation to address the Church as the election campaign gathers pace sends some very clear messages, about the role of faith-based groups – Christian and otherwise. Churches are already delivering huge levels of voluntary community support across the UK because of our faith, not in spite of it, and it is time that this reality was publicly acknowledged. But more than that, our society will never enjoy the social regeneration we crave without spiritual renewal."

Faithworks is a social action movement and was originally set up prior to the 2001 elections by Rev Chalke. Originally it had the motive if commencing a campaign calling on the Government to recognise the contribution that churches and Christian projects make to their communities and to end discrimination against these groups in areas such as funding applications and partnership proposals.

The Faithworks series of lectures are part of the Faithworks Building Trust Campaign, which aims to encourage churches, Christians and Christian organisations to model trustworthy behaviour in their local communities.

All Christians and people of all faiths have been invited to watch the address by Tony Blair, and can text or email questions regarding issues of faith in today’s society to be answered by Blair in the live webcast. Please visit at 12noon on Tuesday 21st March.