'Blood Drive' season 1 episode 13 release date news, spoilers: Arch enemies unite to take down Heart Enterprises

Promotional poster for "Blood Drive" season 1.Facebook/BloodDriveSYFY

In the season 1 finale of the dystopian hit show "Blood Drive," Arthur Bailey (Alan Ritchson), Grace d'Argento (Christina Ochoa), and Julian Slink (Colin Cunningham) will join forces to take down Heart Enterprises.

The trailer for the 13th episode titled "Finish Line" was just released which showed Bailey, d'Argento, and Slink in a car and planning to eliminate their enemies. They head for the Heart Enterprises building and crash into the glass entrance. "We're going to bring this building down and there is nothing you can do to stop us," Bailey declared.

The unlikely team-up to take down Heart was unexpected because just in the previous episode, Bailey and Slink were at each other's throats. Slink was out to get Bailey, who was the Primo killed at his celebration. However, the newly-inducted Primo found out about his plan and decapitated his head with a sword.

Slink surprisingly was still alive as it was revealed that he had several clones that could easily take his place in case of his death. The two, however, decided to work together instead to take down the real puppet masters of their misery who were the leaders at Heart Enterprises.

In the upcoming episode, a lot of action scenes will be showcased as Bailey will go up against Christopher Carpenter (Thomas Dominique) who got enhanced with robotic parts which increased his body strength. The trailer showed Bailey getting thrown against the wall by the superpowered Carpenter.

Ritchson said in a previous interview about his grueling action scenes, "I always felt I've done the show a service and done the fans a service if I'm able to pull off all the stunts. I take a lot of pride in the fact that I can do all those fights," stated Ritchson to Den of Geek!

The "Blood Drive" season 1 finale will hit the airwaves on Wednesday, Sept. 6 at 10 p.m. EDT on Syfy.