'Bloodborne' glitch gives access to free Blood Echoes

Bloodborne website

Early this week, developer From Software plugged a breach in "Bloodborne" that allowed players to duplicate items in their inventory. Now, days after the development team for the smash hit role playing game fixed the leak, another glitch has cropped up, this time, it allows players to exploit harvesting Blood Echoes. 

According to Youtube user Kenny Stimmel, there are steps to follow in order to exploit this glitch.

First, after loading the characters, players must go to the lamp located at the Forbidden Woods. Near there is a bridge, and players must go there and avoid being trapped on the other side. There is a road that players need to take, and when they come upon a fork, they should go right. 

A little ways away, there is a split cliff; this is where players must drop down to a forest underneath and follow the path in there to get to a broken bridge. Players must take the broken bridge and fall through. They will find a road that they must follow, then take the first left and walk the road down to a gate. The gate has a hole, and players must get to the right side and continue on to the path and kill the caged dogs that would be found there. 

Behind the cages is a trail, down into a cavern. From there, there is a ladder set on the right wall. Players must then climb the series of ladders until they reach the surface. On the surface, there is a path on the left, and players need to follow it through the gate, where there is a small square with an enemy. They must then kill the enemy and take the ladder next to a well located in the square. 

Once on the roof, gamers must then head straight past the flock of crows and go inside the second building where there is an enemy. They must kill the enemy and then head downstairs to the medical ward which seems familiar, as it is where the story campaign began. 

Players must then head inside the room where they encountered their first Netherbeast, and run laps around the second medical table on the left.