A Bible with Old Testament passages relating to Jesus marked in blue is the top selling specialty Bible in North America according to sales data received from over 2,000 Christian retailers.
The Christian Booksellers Association (CBA) reports that the Jesus-Centered Bible has taken the trade by storm.
The NLT version includes introductions to each book, a Bible reading plan, questions for discussion and notes on the people, places and social forcess that framed Jesus' ministry.
It claims a unique "blue letter" feature that references over 600 passages in the Old Testament that connect to passages relating to Jesus in the New Testament.
One bookshop manager, Barry Berglund, from the Parable Christian Store in Omaha, Nebraska, said: "The response to this new Bible has been unprecedented. It's been great to see our people walk customers over to this Bible to just see their reaction. Once people see it, they're sold. But they don't buy just one. They're picking up three or four copies for their family and friends."

When asked about the new blue letter feature, Berglund said: "The blue letters have been so helpful to see how much of the Old Testament points forward to the New Testament. I don't think people tend to think that way. Even if you've spent most of your life reading the Bible, the Jesus-Centered Bible helps readers experience Scripture in a fresh, new way."
In addition to sales success within Christian bookstores, the Jesus-Centered Bible has also held top selling positions on Amazon.com.