'Blue Bloods' season 6 finale: The Reagans swept up in a public outrage


The NYPD will be enveloped in a lot of drama in the finale of "Blue Bloods" season 6.

In the episode titled "Blowback," Frank (Tom Selleck), Erin (Bridget Moynahan), New York City Mayor Carter Poole (David Ramsey) and the District Attorney's Office are all caught up in a public outrage when the ruling of the grand jury does not charge an NYPD officer who shot a teenager.

It appears to be a classic case of racial discrimination, since the public believes that the court sided with the crooked white police officer instead of giving justice to the slain black teenager.

But the entire Reagan family will be caught in the middle of the drama. Based on the trailer, the police officer will also die due to gunshot wounds in what appears to be a case of revenge. Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) and his partner Maria Baez (Marisa Ramirez) will run after the perpetrator.

The official synopsis for the episode reads:

"Frank, the Mayor, Erin and the DA's office contend with public outrage after a grand jury doesn't indict an NYPD officer for the controversial shooting of a teenager that was caught on video. Also, when an officer is shot in what seems like retaliation, Danny and Baez go on a manhunt for the suspect."

However, the trailer also shows that Danny's life appears to be in danger as well. Based on the clip, the police officer's murderer is also determined to hurt him in the upcoming episode. Could Danny and Baez manage to catch the killer before he shoots another police officer?

Several guest stars will appear in the upcoming "Blue Bloods" season 6 finale, including Christina Vidal as ADA Marta Avila, Justin Grace as Officer Mark Hayes, Delaney Williams as Bureau Chief Egan, Carter Redwood as Officer Eric Russell, Stefanie Fantauzzi as Gabby Castillo, Sydney James Harcourt as Miguel Santana, Manny Urena as Diego Perez and Gilbert Cruz as Hector Castillo.

"Blue Bloods" season 6 finale airs on Friday, May 6, on CBS.