BMS World Mission Action Teams End UK Tour

Last year in September, the BMS World Mission Action Teams sent nine teams aboard in Brazil, India, Italy, Thailand, Trinidad and Uganda. A total of 34 young people aged 18-25 returned after a six month mission trip. In order to share the grace during their journey and to inspire others to get involved, they have been busy travelling around the UK to share their first-hand experiences from their missions.

The UK tour ended on 17th June, and the teams made a tremendous impact in dozens of churches, schools and other community groups. The Action Team members come from across the UK - from as far north as Aberdeenshire and as far south as Cornwall.

The Trinidad Action Team
Michelle Davy, Phil Durrant, Lois Ford and Amanda Thompson made up the Trinidad Action Team. They worked with the Baptist Union of Trinidad and Tobago, mostly in schools-based work, both primary and secondary. The team was also involved in drama, music, Christian camps and retreats, as well as work with local churches and helping young Christians develop their faith and involvement in mission.

During one of their UK tours in West Bridgford, Nottingham, they were complimented by Andrew Ireland, the pastor of Lady Bay Baptist Church, "The team is a credit to BMS World Mission. Everyone who witnessed their presentations were struck by their outstanding gifting and detailed preparation. A number of parents commented on the excited way in which their children had come home from school talking about the team's presentation. This, perhaps more than anything else, speaks of the calibre of the team’s work."

"It's been great to have the opportunity to inspire people, to get involved in mission and let them know that if we can do it, anyone can!" Lois said of the tour.

Her team mate Michelle Davy added, "This year has been totally awesome. I would go back and do it all over again if I could."

"It's been exciting meeting so many different people and a privilege to get involved in their lives, work and visions." said Phil Durrant.

"We will miss the friendships we've made here and although we can still keep in touch and all plan to visit again, it's still sad to have to leave. We've learnt a lot during these six months, and much of this has been about ourselves. The most challenging but most rewarding thing has been living and working together as a team." The team shared in their prayer letter.

Next week marks the end of the 2003-4 BMS World Mission Teams Programme. Tom Howell, BMS Mission Teams Co-ordinator, says, "Please pray that the current group of Action Teamers will continue to seek God as they complete the tour and look to the future-whether it's university, employment, or maybe more mission work. And remember 41 young people that are raising funds and preparing in other ways for their BMS Action Team year starting September."