BMS World Mission Aids Homeless Families in Sri Lanka
UK-based mission organization BMS World Mission recently sent out a relief grant totalling nearly £25,000 to partners in Sri Lanka to help thousands of families made homeless due to escalating violence in the north east of the country.
The ceasefire declared in Sri Lanka in 2002 has remained a fragile one and the most recent conflict erupted when Tamil Tiger rebels (LTTE) closed an essential sluice-gate in Maavilaaru, in eastern Sri Lanka.
BMS Manager for Mission Partnerships, David McLellan, says, "We have a broad and effective network of partner organisations in Sri Lanka who, when natural or human-made disasters occur, are well-placed to help those suffering.
"Each of those partners has a unique ministry in different parts of the island, and this becomes a springboard to providing relief to those most in need."