BMS World Mission Announces New Partnership with A Rocha

BMS World Mission launched a new partnership with Christian nature conservation organisation A Rocha on the last day of the Baptist Assembly in Brighton yesterday.

A Rocha, which means 'the rock' in Portuguese, is an international initiative, which began in Portugal and now has creation care projects in 16 countries. These frequently are cross-cultural in character and focus on science and research, practical conservation and environmental education.

A Rocha's UK director, Rev Dave Bookless, said at the launch, "How delighted I am about this partnership...I strongly believe it can have mutual benefits. We can share something of the journey we've been on, learning to care for all of God's creation."

BMS has an environmental policy, recognising that God made the earth as one part of bringing life in all its fullness to the world's peoples. In return, BMS believes we have a responsibility to be good stewards of his creation. BMS advocates responsible environmental practices, recognising our decisions have an effect on the world's resources.

BMS Director for Communications, Mark Craig, said, "This new partnership is very significant, as it draws together the expertise of BMS and A Rocha. Together, we can make creation care - in terms of caring for both the people and the environment created by God - something which our churches can engage with meaningfully and practically.

"Creation care may well prove to be one of the key issues of our age, and this new partnership will enable us to work together in terms of church resources, mission training and the effective integration of the creation care agenda into projects across the world."

The partnership with A Rocha is the latest part of BMS' action on environmental concern and climate change. Last November BMS staff and supporters joined a crowd of 25,000 campaigners in the i count rally, concerned about the threat of climate change.

Creation care will also form a part of next year's theme for the joint BUGB/BMS Assembly in Blackpool.