BMS World Mission Call for Action on Poverty in Africa

BMS World Mission yesterday released a statement to comment on the recent findings of the Commission for Africa. The statement, similar to those previously released by other Christian organisations and aid agencies, welcomed the findings but asked for action to be taken to follow up the words.

Implementation of the advice given by the Commission has been loudly called for by a whole host of organisations including Christian Aid.

Individuals have been urged by BMS World Mission to take responsibility for the changes, as well as the governments and corporations.

The statement spoke about how the positive statements and the hopeful plans are not enough – in particular because "Africa and those who live and work there have heard many promises and intentions over the years."

"Empty words" was the way BMS World Mission described the findings of Commission for Africa is no concrete action follows. It calls for "real commitments by governments and corporations."

A warning from experience also arose, as the organisation stated that it had first-hand experience regarding the effect of corporate commercial policies and world government policies towards Africa – "even when government intentions are good."

"It remains to be seen whether these good intentions are translated into positive actions which can make a real difference to the lives of people with whom BMS partners and mission personnel are working," the statement said.

Personal changes in lifestyle have also been called for by BMS World Mission, in order to facilitate making personal contributions to the African continent.

"The ways we consume, spend, vote and live are going to have to be informed by concerns larger than our own if we are to have any credible claim to care about Africa."

However, the organisation was quick to ensure that the governments as well as multinational corporations take their responsibilities upon themselves.

The statement concluded, "BMS is therefore calling on supporters to take action through the MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY campaign. Through this campaign we can show our desire for action not just words from our government."