BMS World Mission Challenges Young Christians in France

A BMS volunteer couple in France are challenging a group of young Christians to go deeper in their faith as they work together to transform the church basement into a personal space for the young Christians.

Amy and John Harper are currently spending six months with the youth group at Massy Baptist Church, ten miles outside central Paris and the placement in France forms part of Amy's language degree. But they are not only improving their French with regular lessons; they are also developing meaningful relationships with the young people.

The youth group is currently involved in a project that will transform the church's basement into a special area space just for them, a BMS report says.

Amy explains, "There are no real hangout areas that are more glamorous than a street corner in Massy so it will definitely be meeting a need. It is a huge project and a brave step for the church.

"For us it is also an opportunity to spend more time with the young people and to get stuck into something practical. We are encouraging them to be involved as far as possible to increase their ownership of the place and its future."

Alongside the two local youth leaders, Sabrina and Raphaƫl, Amy and John have also been involved in "spiritual stuff" with the young people - including a weekly group at their apartment based on Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life and a discipleship/Bible study for three girls.

Just two months into the experience and Amy and John are already immersed in French life. John has joined the local football team and coaches an under-ten's team. Amy is in the church's worship group and is giving English language lessons to a local French woman. They also both attend a church home group.

John says, "We have been made to feel very welcome here and it appears that we are here as a result of many people's prayers, which is exciting if a little daunting!"

When John and Amy leave Massy next March, another BMS volunteer, Christopher Tolley, also on a language placement, will follow on from them.

If you or someone you know is interesting in combining studies with short-term volunteer work, click for more information. There are opportunities for those on language and medical electives.

Please pray for:
-The development of the church basement for future youth work and outreach
-Young people to grow in their faith through studies and small groups
-Amy and John in learning French, and in their relationships with local people