BMS World Mission in Nepal amid severe monsoon flooding

BMS World Mission is working with local partners and amongst affected communities in responding to the worst monsoon flooding in Nepal for ten years.

The north-western district of Rukum has been particularly badly affected by landslides, which swept away land, crops and livestock as well as destroying more than 100 houses.

BMS partners in Nepal are working together with other local groups to help 100 of the households affected by providing blankets, tarpaulins, clothing and utensils.

They will also provide training in first aid and disaster management to 18 communities in the districts of Kholagauwn and Aarma.

Emergency kits consisting of stretchers, life jackets, torches, shovels and first aid kits, as well as galvanised netting for retaining walls, will be provided for six of these communities.

About 30 per cent of the cost of this relief work will be met by other local groups and the affected communities, with a BMS grant of £6,700 covering the balance.

BMS Manager for Mission Partnerships, David McLellan, called the forward-planning aspect of the relief work "encouraging", continuing: "The fact that the people affected by the flooding are participating in the relief work and taking ownership of plans for future crises makes this grant an important step in creating sustainable local responses to a recurring problem."

[Re-printed in Christian Today with the kind permission of BMS World Mission]