BMS's Young Missionaries reach out to India

Two BMS mission action teams have been set up in Calcutta, India for the next six months. Nine British 18-25 year olds will be placed in the busy, colourful city in two separate groups. There they will connect with schools and institutions to help proclaim the Good News.

Running parallel with the BMS project at Howrah train station, a Salvation Army project has also been set up to aid children who have been forced to sleep rough. The children are brought to a small restaurant nearby where utilities have been set up to provide the children with mainstream education, and which will help them form basic relationship skills with each other.

Two separate Good News Education Schools operate in the Calcutta area currently, and three Action Team members are based in each of them. Bible stories are given every morning to the children, who are then split into three classes and given English lessons.

The BMS team has been widely commended for their works in the area, and volunteers too have been called to work with them and carry out all types of duties to increase the efficiency of the works.

One ministry has been set up in Kalighat to care for dying and destitute elderly people in Calcutta. It holds approximately 100 men and women that are bed-ridden and mentally or physically sick and unable to take care of themselves.

The India Action Teams from BMS are just two of the ten teams that have been sent for the 2004-05 missions, with others reaching out to Bangladesh, Brazil, Italy, Malta, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Uganda.