BMW's future vehicles to be controlled by gestures and Samsung's tablets

The CES 2015 had a surprising entry in the form of German automobile, motorcycle and engine manufacturing company BMW. While tech giants such as Samsung and Lenovo continue to showcase on how they plan on connecting the entire world with improved variants of mobile devices and gadgets, the automaker's presence was due to the fact that the company has been working on a future car that will be assimilated with several technologies, allowing the driver to communicate with the vehicle using gesture controls. 

Users will also be able to control the vehicle using Samsung's tablet. BMW has teased on what they like to call as its Touch Command feature. This feature will allow a user to interact with the vehicle using a Samsung tablet. Using the slate, the driver will be able to control several functions of the car, ranging from environmental climate control, volume, ambient lighting, and a myriad of other functions. In simple terms, virtually any individual present inside the vehicle will be able to take control of it. 

However, the important thing to note here is that not every Samsung tablet will be compatible with the interface of BMW's vehicle. Samsung is currently in the midst of developing a customized slate that will strictly cater to the functionality of the vehicle. For example, using Samsung's customized tablet, tapping the home screen will not direct the user to the home menu. Instead, the user will be directed to the Touch Command's main screen, allowing them to control the features of the vehicle. 

The gesture control feature of the vehicle can be enabled through something that BMW calls the iDrive system. The iDrive system sports a touchscreen and gesture control that allow the user to control the vehicle. A camera mounted on the car's roof also aids in accurately recognizing the gesture and making the vehicle function accordingly.