Bobbi Kristina Brown latest condition news, update: To be taken off life support?

Bobbi Kristina Brown(Photo: Wikimedia/SynergybyDesign)

An unconfirmed report from MediaTakeOut has claimed that Bobbi Kristina Brown will be taken off of life support soon as the family is giving up all hope for a miracle.

The Brown family has already been summoned to be by Bobbi's bedside when life support is taken off, according to the claims.

Bobbi Kristina Brown was found unconscious and face down in a bathtub on January 31. Bobbi has been in a coma ever since.

Doctors reportedly tried to bring Bobbi out of her coma but those efforts resulted in violent seizures. Despite the failed attempts, attending doctors bared that Bobbi was not brain dead.

To this point however, Bobbi Kristina has made no progress. And apparently the Brown family has now accepted the fact that Bobbi may not come out of the coma.

The decision to take Bobbi off of life support was allegedly a joint decision, supported by father Bobby and her aunt Pat Houston.

With the removal of life support apparently imminent, well-wishers have continued to leave comments and words of support on social media websites, praying and hoping that a miracle can still occur at the eleventh hour. Many continue to comment on the tragic irony that Bobbi Kristina has seemingly encountered a very similar fate to her mother, Whitney Houston, who died in 2012.