Bobbi Kristina health condition update: Author dares Nick Gordon to take polygraph test to prove innocence

Bobbi Kristina Brown (L) and Nick GordonReuters

Bobbi Kristina Brown, the lone daughter of the late Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown continues to be in the same dire medical condition after being found face-down in a bathtub at her Atlanta home last January 31.

Krissy's visitors have been select and her boyfriend, Nick Gordon, is not part of the list. Rumors have apparently linked to what befell Brown, especially after injury marks were found on her body.

No charges have been made on anyone but Gordon remains a suspect. He has been barred by the Browns and the Houstons from seeing Krissy despite repeated pleas and requests to do so.

However, someone may be able to help Gordon see Krissy but that would depend on a certain condition – pass a polygraph test with a high accuracy rate.

This option surfaced after author/ journalist Ian Halperin said he could provide Gordon access if he undergoes the polygraph testing. The testing will be carried out by one of the world's leading polygraph examiners where Gordon would have to answer questions surrounding the events that occurred that night.

Halperin recently released a controversial book about Bobbi and her mother Whitney Houston titled "Whitney & Bobbi Kristina: The Deadly Price of Fame", a book that is now under criticism.

Halperin wrote about Gordon negatively in the book which included a claim that Bobbi was afraid of Gordon.

It is the belief of the investigative journalist that if Gordon passes the polygraph test accurately, he stands to gain from it. It would clear him from any wrongdoing and prove his innocence.

"That's the only reason that they're denying him access, because they're worried about his suspicious role," Halperin told The Wrap in an exclusive interview. "A lot of the Browns are convinced that Nick Gordon possibly was involved in what happened." Gordon only needs to prove that "he had no involvement and he didn't have any criminal involvement" in Bobbi Kristina's incident" Halperin was quoted as saying.