Body Identified as Missing British Teenager

The body of a woman found near a railway track in Essex has been formally identified as that of missing teenager Natasha Coombs, police have reported Monday.

The 17-year-old, from Dovercourt, Essex, disappeared after boarding a late night train from Ipswich on 27 July following a night out with friends.

Her body was discovered on Friday in undergrowth near Manningtree station after a train driver reported a sighting to the police.

A post-mortem examination has found the cause of death was "unascertained, but consistent with a train strike", an Essex Police spokeswoman said.

Police have said they found clothing, a mobile phone and handbag in the area matching those of the missing girl.

The police spokeswoman said: "There is nothing to suggest any criminal activity at all and it is now a matter for the coroner."