Bollywood gospel comes to London

|PIC1|A Bollywood-style musical version of the gospel story is about to be staged in London.

As part of the new Pentecost Festival, Release International is presenting a special Asian-style version of the popular Christian musical His Story.

A cast of more than 30 actors, singers and dancers will celebrate the gospel story through drama, live music and multi-media.

The musical features the internationally acclaimed Christian Indian musicians Anil and Reena Kant, who perform alongside actors, choirs, Bollywood dancers, soloists and a 20-piece band.

His Story is the creation of composer Ken Shearsmith. He is well-known for his inspirational songs, including those based on the writings of Selwyn Hughes (CWR) in Every Day with Jesus. Shearsmith has also produced for Release International the CD Lift Your Hearts to Heavenly Places.

His Story was originally conceived as a unique live musical and visual experience that any church, college or school could perform for themselves, both for outreach and fundraising. It features 25 original songs, varying from ballad to pop, from blues to choral and from folk to gospel/soul.

His Story has been adapted for the Pentecost Festival with a unique Asian feel, to tell the story of the events that led up to Pentecost.

"The performance promises to be a spectacular event, with a rich fusion of music, drama and multi-media," says Shearsmith. "Don't miss it!"

There will be three performances of His Story at Westminster Central Hall: on Friday May 9 at 7pm and Saturday May 10 at 2pm and 7pm.

Tickets include an Asian buffet banquet served before the musical (at 6pm and 1pm respectively). An exhibition presents Release International's work on behalf of the Persecuted Church in South Asia. Tickets for the musical, including buffet, cost £15 plus booking fee, and may be booked online at

Ten Christian organisations, including Release, are sponsoring the new Pentecost Festival, a significant event spearheaded by Share Jesus International which will be spread across numerous venues in central London.

For further details, please visit