Book of Hope International to Bring Gospel to 12 Million Brazilian Children

Book of Hope International has announced it will distribute 12 million copies of its kids’ gospel Book of Hope to Brazilian children.

|PIC1|The latest plans to reach out across Brazil make it Book of Hope International’s largest programme in the world.

Book of Hope’s Rob Hoskins said: “This is actually the final year of complete saturation of Brazil, meaning that in these past five years we will have reached every single school child in the nation with the Word of God.”

The Book of Hope is designed to make the Word of God accessible to children, presenting the Gospels in chronological order in order to make it easier for them to follow.

Hoskins stressed the key role of the local church in bringing the story of Jesus to children: “Our strategy there is to mobilise the local churches to adopt local schools and take ownership of them by sending teams of children and young people to the schools, to reach out to their classmates and they do a presentation with drama and music, hand out the Book of Hope, and invite them to follow-up Hope Fests events after school.”|QUOTE|

The Book of Hope has witnessed success in changing both the lives of young non-believers as well as existing believers: “When you go out and start fishing and you start catching fish, it encourages these believers to just be evangelistic in their lifestyle.”

Hoskins has high hopes for the impact of Book of Hope on Brazilian children: “We’re actually mobilising an army of believers in Brazil that are getting trained, mobilised and energised to continue to reach their nation in evangelism.”

Mr Hoskins also predicts an important role for Brazil in taking the gospel outside of its own borders: “Brazil will probably be one of the great forces in this two-thirds world missions that’s taking place, where nations that have been evangelised in the southern hemisphere are mobilising literally armies of believers.”